Here at John Beaty Transport Ltd, family and passion have been at the core of everything we do. Being a family run company with over 50 years of industry experience, it is now more important than ever to protect our future. As John Beaty Transport Ltd grows, we have been doing our very best to make sure we are working greener and in the most sustainable ways possible to safeguard our environment.

Our purpose built site was engineered with sustainability in mind. We have photovoltaic (PV) panels covering the south facing side of our roof. These PV panels generate 40 KW of electricity per year from the sunlight, which is used to run our site. To save on water consumption, our site uses a borehole which supplies all hot water on site. This includes the water used to wash the vehicles and to flush the toilets. We also use a ground source heat pump to heat our site and water using renewable heat energy extracted from the ground.
Solar Powered PV Panels
Water Saving Borehole
Ground Source Heat Pump
At John Beaty Transport Ltd, we believe that you get out, what you put in. This is why we are constantly investing in the newest and most efficient vehicles available, replacing our vehicles every 5 years. All our vehicles have Euro 6 engines and are fitted with the latest technology. This technology helps us monitor and reduce our fuel consumption and therefore reduces our carbon emissions.


Our people are at the very core of our company's success. Being a family run company, having a trustworthy team of dedicated and hard working people is what drives John Beaty Transport Ltd forward. We feel experience is key and this is why we invest and provide a high level of training and support to all our staff members. Our drivers are all experienced and qualified, they enrich our company with passion and focus. If you would like to join our team, please apply online through our Recruitment Page.
Manging Director
Stuart Beaty
"I enjoy what I do but more importantly I ensure my team enjoys it to"